Saturday, March 13, 2010

Life is good.

Short post, probably, but an important one.

I came out as genderqueer on Facebook a couple of days ago to a select group of people.  I was in a bad mood when I did it, feeling the overwhelming effects of gender dysphoria, and thought for sure I was going to regret it.  I've had nothing but support from my friends since.  It makes me want to cry, I'm so happy that my friends are such a fantastically accepting group of people.

I've had two different people who called me by my given name, then quickly corrected to my chosen name--Taylor's name--and asked which I preferred.  I've had several people asking in advance which name I wanted to go by and what pronouns they should use with me.  My Sis asked me tonight if I wanted her to start having her nearly-three-year-old daughter call me Taylor instead of my given name.  It feels kind of weird, but so good.  For the most part, I tell them that I don't care which name they call me and which pronouns they use,not day-to-day.  At least, for the time being.  For now, the fact that they're checking with me and that they're rolling with this and accepting me for who I am is enough to make me indescribably happy.

Better yet?  Since coming out, the dysphoria's been easier to deal with, and I'm feeling less of a psychological divide between myself and who I want to be inside.  It's like just saying the words to everyone--saying out loud that I'm genderqueer--gave my own identity permission to integrate.

I really do have the best friends in the world.


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