Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hello, everyone!

An introduction is probably in order, isn't it?

I've wanted to blog for some time, but I've never felt that I had anything of use to talk about, save the random stuff I talk about on Twitter. But that's just Twitter for you.  I always felt like if I was going to have a blog and call it a blog, I'd best have something that was worth hearing about. I feel like I have something now. You decide.

First things first, I'm a creative writing undergrad in my senior year, which hopefully means I'll graduate this year.  I'm looking at December with starry eyes right now.  That kind of freaks me out.  Expect to hear a lot about adventures in thesis writing in this blog, as well as adventures in looking for a grad school.  I don't have any commitments towards any particular grad school right now.  I just know I want to get my master's degree.

My body is 22 years old and I have lived in the same state my entire life.  I don't get to travel much, which feels like it's wounding my soul, because while I do feel at home here with my family and my friends, this state has always felt like it's out of place to me.  I feel like I need to get out and see someplace else, and for more than a week's vacation.  You'll likely hear a lot about my adventures in trying to save money to go on a road trip here, too.  Especially of the "I want to go to New Orleans" nature.  (I've been twice, but I feel like I'm overdue for another visit, especially with my newfound fascination of the culture of the area.)

Most of my traveling is the sort that takes place in my head.  I'm a fiction writer.  Writing is going to likely be what I talk most about in this blog, because it's the most central aspect of my life.  I participate in NaNoWriMo every year, and have since 2005.  I've won the last three years.  My goal this year is to finish the novel my best friend and I have been working on since we were juniors in high school, and with any luck, I'll be ready to charge to the finale in that by the time NaNo rolls around this November.  Said best friend is currently in another state, and she might be for several months.  She might come up in this blog, too.

My biggest motivation in starting a blog right now is the realisation that I'm at a very strange place in my gender identity.  I'm genderqueer, I'm panromantic, I'm a lot of things, and I'll save that talk for another day, one when I'm feeling less like myself.  It's easier to talk about what I'm not when I'm not.  Roleplaying is another huge part of my life, largely because it lets me externalise a lot of my internalised issues with identity. But that's neither here nor there.  The character I'm currently both writing about and playing is someone I've come to identify closely with, someone I think I could easily become.

That's all you need to know for now.  No promises on how often I'll write, or how much when I do.  I tend to be long-winded.  But you probably figured that one out.

Call me Saturday.


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