Saturday, December 25, 2010

This doesn't have a title.

The girl and I had a fight last night.

Now, I don't know what you consider a fight, but what I consider a fight is any discussion in which two people disagree to the point that voices are raised or tones become cold or one or both parties end up crying. This was all three, so I consider it a pretty significant fight, even if it wasn't over anything significant at all, or even over anything either of us wanted to happen. Which I realise is all very vague, but then you have to understand that what I mean is that we were fighting because she needed to leave and go stay someplace that wasn't at my house and she didn't want to leave and I didn't really want her to leave and my being torn about this ended in me yelling at her and her getting upset with me.

You'll be happy to know that things are okay now, because we have this funny way of crying all over each other (on my end, it apparently usually only happens when she's wearing my shirts) and then we cuddle and we're fine. Last night was made all the better by watching videos of adorable puppies and kittens and Green Brothers (we are Nerdfighters, for the curious) on YouTube. And then cuddling. And kissing. And doing all that sort of sickly 'relationship' stuff.

In bigger news, I've been talking with the girl and with Pookie and with Pookie's boy, and we're planning--cross our fingers, knock on wood--on moving into a place of our own by mid-summer. It looks entirely possible. Which is insanely exciting and terrifying.

I've come to learn that you only have to see a therapist for three months according to current standards of healthcare for them to be able to recommend you to start HRT. Now I'm at the dilemma of how to time it out. Which isn't even a very big concern right now because I can't see a therapist until I have my own insurance or the money for regular visits. All in good time.

The name issue and the plural/median issue and the gender-fluid issue and all this other stuff keeps cropping up, but in general, I'm trying to learn to not think about it too much.

Now if you'll excuse me, this is all the update you get since--what, September?--because it's officially Christmas Day, even if it's nearly 3 AM, and I have writing to do before I can even think about sleeping. Reading so late at night (and finishing a book, especially) will tend to do that to my brain.